Tuesday 11 September 2012

jump manual - About kitesurfing

At one time, in a classic surf athletes were pessimistic in relation to windsurfing, and skiers, in turn, are very skeptical about snowboarders, and the list goes on.

Kite (flayserfing) - not an entirely new sport, as it may seem at first glance.

Back in the 70s a few people from the UK have used round parachutes to create the necessary traction for its move across the water jet skiing.

In 1977, the Dutch Gisbertus Panhyus a patent. Athlete standing on a board, which is driven by a parachute strapped to his equipment. It seems that neither the media nor the business organizations did not respond to it.

Swiss Ren Kugn floated in the mid-80's on a structure similar to kilvatornuyu board and used to produce thrust paraglider. Perhaps he was the first athlete who was able to make the highjump manual review with a light wind. His speech was broadcast on European television.

In 1984, the French Dominique and Bruno Legagnoyuks, athletes windsurfing and surfing have received a patent for the first time, their application of marine fender, which can easily be restarted surface.

To 92/93 a few others not related to each other people use kites to propel the ski and special boards, but they did not get the public recognition and attracted interest from commercial organizations.

After 93, there were commercial companies involved in the development manufacture and sale of equipment for kitesurfing.

And since 1998, kitesurfing can be considered as already established sport.

We often hear the question, "It's better than surfing?"

We tell the truth, any comparison seems a little far-fetched, so practice and experience differ from each other (though we are a kite!)

And on this score, and less democratic opinion on this "controversial" issues. Professional windsurfer Elliot Lebo believes that kitesurfing has a much greater potential for further development compared to conventional surfing.

Perhaps vindserfisty were the despair flayserfa testers. A significant number of former champions regained the excitement debutants sailboards, when still so new and romantic.

All former star windsurfing found in flayserfe ideal shift work. Mike Waltz, Peter Cabrini, Laird Hamilton, Rush Rendl, Robby Naish are just a small list of these "apostates."

The latter admitted that he was particularly attracted by the additional sense, which gives this sport compared to windsurfing.

But the most brilliant star of the World Cup (Kanaga, September 98) was Marcus Austin, he's flush. The most productive French Rafael salsa, Laurent Ness, Manu Bertin in what they do not concede, and they say that some of them a half step higher. Now we are looking forward to a direct meeting between the champions of each of which is capable of jumping 10 meters in height, and fly in the wind up to 50 meters.

Very attractive the time that used to kite kite can be used for: wake boards (wakeboard) kayaks and canoes, catamarans and trimarans, boats. conventional water skiing and monoski, skateboards and roller aysbordov buggy (trough your grandmother!) the list goes on. In emergency situations at sea. Interesting symbiosis kite with snowboarding and skiing, will make you feel new and unusual experiences. and opportunities.

You will be able to get the maximum pleasure from sliding and jumping on the plain.

Another attractive point flayserfinga in compact equipment. Sam surf 210-250 and 1-3 compact node (on the number of kites) and the 80cm-do1m control bar.

Say at once that dedication in kaytserf requires humility. Suppose you come to "fly" with his seasoned experience vindserfista believe in yourself and in the end feel like a complete tea as the first day of sailing the board with a completely awkward movements and frantic gestures. If you regularly enter other sports you know the feeling. If you're only a fan of windsurfing you can wait for a surprise.

Experienced vindserfistov will confuse small size of the board 2m 30cm for beginners and speed that will not be linear, everything is done by successive accelerations that depend on the dynamics that we attach the snake to move your car to them by the type of a janitor. from one edge of the wind window to the other. Need to move all the time to make a kite and a sine wave, to move forward. It is this perpetual motion and allows you to move. You will have the feeling that you slide a little suspense, a hovercraft on the almost vertical thrust.

Water start can be compared with the start of water skiing or wakeboarding.

"I saw a picture of Laird and immediately became interested in kite" - says Lou Vaiman, athlete from Florida to wakeboarding, kite surfing gave him the opportunity to use their kilvatornuyu board without towing boats, which greatly increased maneuverability.

The big advantage of a kite is that snakes are flying at a height of 10-40 meters, working on the rough border layer wind over water, while traditional equipment is working in this layer. This ensures smoothness and less air flow and vorticity greater than the wind speed at the surface by 15-20 per cent. Since the thrust extracted from the wind is proportional to the square of the speed, the snake gets to 25-70 percent more power, and all other factors affecting the movement of kiteboarding are the same.

Currently leading manufacturer of kites offer a "clever" design aerodynamic surface, providing position when the kite is always at the optimum angle to the wind, showing the best performance characteristics.

When there are no problems with the movement of the wind (at a certain skill) and start again from the water after the fall, even if the snake struck by a wave design using an inflatable spar (a model with the coils in order to run.)

Kites enough "insidious" and on the need to be prepared for their antics. Never debuts with the wind from the coast, snakes naturally gravitate pull you into the wind, that is, to the open sea! For starting positions is preferable to choose a completely free zone without swimmers and boats (they may become an easy target). No need to be provided by the wind in front of an obstacle for a strong gust of wind or inattention could throw you on this obstacle. Do not fly in strong winds, never let you fly a snake in the vicinity of power lines. Wear a life jacket.

So how do you start? That is the question! One day is enough to thoroughly acquainted with the dragon, but it will take about 2-3 days to feel confident in themselves, perfectly control the wing on the beach, driving on the sand or in the water (no board). Some more time you will need to lift the wind and control board.

The best boards for "flying mount" in our view is a special model with a profile of a small board wave board (2.15-2.30) and an advanced bindings for the feet. Sandwich construction with internal shock absorbers. The option of using a large wakeboard also seems interesting, thanks to the comfort that it brings to the jumps.

It is difficult of course, flayserfa guess the future, because it is growing rapidly. This sport is in constant motion, and the rationalization proposals are coming from all sides. About as developed windsurfing twenty years ago. Large firms are beginning to look closely to this future market. Even if the range of new competitors is rather narrow, it will expand in ascending order. Be attributed to the relatively modest investment for employment "Fly" (from $ 800 per snake and kiteboarding) or versatile sails that can be used on different surfaces: on the sand (kaytbaggi) snow and ice (very popular in Canada, or on the grass (see above)? It is hard to say this with certainty. At least we can say that the sport promised a bright future and now - great interest.

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