Tuesday 4 September 2012

31 day fat loss cure - With doping in the blood

Doping pressed sports but sin and moral til Utmost. But performance-enhancing drugs er known for centuries.

Doping is not something att first came til sport with bike riders phantom helmets and swimmers body close-piece. The dream of being number one at all costs er Existed for many sports men's minds for centuries. There are big cash prizes in top-level sport - IT er the last thousand years. And money Seems to have some effect on many practitioners' morale. Even at the beginning of this century was the first place something you would die for. Marathon runner Thomas Hicks from the U.S. track team was the protagonist of one of the Earliest known doping cases from the 20th century. At the Olympics in St. Louis in 1904, he was about to lose his life in his quest to win the 42 km race. A mixture of styknin and cognac was his prescription. Strychnine is a poison, der in small doses seams exhilarating. Thomas Hicks survived. But it's not all that gör that. Samtidig doping mean lifetime exclusion from the sport you having lived.

Doping in Denmark

Bulging muscles and rapid force. Doping flourishes all over. It is not only in the fitness center, elsewhere bodybuilders want quick results. Also in the etablert club world live livet Substances in athletes' bodies. The sports elsewhere doping is found primært by Team Denmark studies powerlifting, weightlifting, cycling, athletics and swimming. There are regelbundet taget samples of the Danish clubs and major events. In 1999 took 1.037 doping tests in Denmark. Five were positive. Worldwide, the figure is much higher. NetDoktor.dk ska try two provide a little insight into what doping is, and what konsekvensene were performance-enhancing drugs kan be on an ordinary human.

the International Olympic Committee, IOC, sets guidelines for the Substances two be put on the doping list. This is done samband with our national and organisationer som Team Denmark over the world. It allows doping inspectors two standardize sina work. The banned Substances are many - the list of 135 named Substances and a vast number related. To make things a little makes of Palembang athletes and officials have chosen two divide doping methods in seven categories: stimulants, narcotics, anabolic agents, diuretics, peptide hormones, blood doping, chemical, physical and pharmacological manipulation. In addition, some groups of Substances, der visse restrictions, som alcohol, marijuana and local anesthetics. But it vil not be readily tested by a standard test. They are not automatisk listed as the stimulants for example, does.

Stimulated two performance

blood pumps faster, and the physical surplus is larger than normal när using stimulants. But it is banned in sports. And the list of stimulants is long. Among the names finns among andre Amphetamines, bromantan and caffeine. Caffeine is found in coffee and it might the seem strange att this drug is on the blacklist. But actually 10-12 cups of coffee act as a performance-enhancing substance. But since you-can not forbid people-to-drink coffee, kan kun spot for caffeine-doping if the content of caffeine is 12 micrograms per milliliter. Bromantan is the name of one of the newest products on the list of banned stimulants. It first ble known at the Olympics in Atlanta, the 1996th Two Russian swimmers, a Lithuanian cyclist and a Russian breakfast was disqualified after IOC doping control took dem bromantan in the blood. And the substance may synes, the test result Meant att både Andrei Korneyev, chest swim of 200 meters, and Zafar Gouliev, breaking the 48 kg weight class, nicely hatred deliver two sine bronze medals back. Bromantan påvirker central nervous system, like amphetamine and ephedrine. But that's not all. Some of IOC doping experts Suspect substance two også kunne blur the male sex hormone testosterone. Therefore, the agent også on the list of doping manipulation. Testosterone are found in the anabolic Substances.

Hormones påvirker the body

of the anabolic steroids are probably the doping form up through the 1980s and 1990s er must known among ordinary people. Anabolic steroids are chemical imitation of testosterone. They are available enten in tablet form or liquid, so steroids bliver injected directly into the muscles. But no matter how de er Consumed, de kan be traced in the body. Some up to one year after intake. These Substances enter and påvirker the core of every cell in the body. That is to say att DNA is påvirket. For but, this betyder, at egne natural production of testosterone stops. And without the function stops sperm production all by itself. For many, it never started again, even if har stop drugs. For women, the side effects more. Since anabolic steroids mimics the male sex hormone, women are more manly traits. Beard growth and more body hair are some of the signs. Samtidig stops menstruation, clitoris grows and the doped women to have deeper voices. Enligt Team Denmark spends about 10.000 Danes steroids. It is regel in the fitness center to find themself. And also there is the sale of illegal drugs greatest. But enligt statements from the police, there også a large sale of drugs in pubs. One of the newest drugs on the list of illegal anabolic Substances androstenedione. It is a precursor til male sex hormone testosterone. In the U.S., the substance till nyligen er sold as a natural product - som it definitely is not. DHEA - dehydroepiandrosterone - is in the same genre. Again, a two testosterone precursor. But none of these Substances er ever shown an effect trots flere scientific experiments. Many som use anabolic Substances over a longer period vælge embark on yet a cure of illegal doping Substances når de stopping steroids. Human chorionic gonadotropin - HCG - is a hormone producerat in pregnant women. And it is reputed to start the natural production of testosterone again, but it is not visse det vil happen. HCG is also available as a medicine and are on the doping list of peptide hormones.

Growth hormone given big noses and feet

Where the anabolic steroids are artificial and do not carry Any kind of infection risk, growth hormones actually cause HIV, jaundice and Creutzfelt Jakob disease. The reason is att not all growth hormones are grown from scratch in a laboratory, but sometimes kan derived from the human pituitary. Men, it is ofte a risk you run när you buy growth hormones illegally. If healthy and strong people are using growth hormone kan lead two an excess of growth hormone. Kan cause the body two grow in the strangest places. Nose, hands and feet kan bli larger. While growth hormone may trigger diabetes and severe allergic reactions. Where the anabolic steroids are cheap - $ 20 per tablet - costing a væksthormonkur up to flere thousand dollars. Money and endurance också the reason doping history so far største chaos.

The sporty bike failure Tour de France 1999, EPOens hell of an entrance in people's drug-awareness. Several riders and team managers hate sin with shame announce at de hatred taget or given substance. EPO - erythropoietin - is a hormone produced by the kidney. It is on the doping list included in peptide hormones. It has for the last 15 years er producerat through genetic engineering. EPO skapar the production of red blood cells att indeholde hemoglobin. And since it is the hemoglobin, der binds oxygen in the body, kan by the use of EPO øge sin oxygen consumption by as much as 10 percent. This makes the stamina for a cyclist, for example, is Greatly ökat. One of the grunner att EPO er meget used is the rapid excretion of the substance. The body do not need a long time before a doping nothing kan reveal. There is intense er working udvikle new analytical methods der kan detect EPOen. And forskere having now come forward two more, one of dem ska not have been used in connection with the Olympic Games in Sydney, but for various reasons har not Happened. EPOen is actually a new development of blood doping.

Blood doping - blood in stock

Blood doping kan Namely the old ways öka the number of red blood cells in the body. Doping is actually a transfusion of one's own stored blood or blood from a donor. You get the same performance Enhancing effects two using EPO, if one adds two his body one and a half liter of blood. But by blood transfusion, there is always a risk of being infected with diseases or infections if the blood you get put in the veins are blood donation. It is the kind of doping is not nearly as Prevalent as it was in the early 1980s. All forms of doping Listed on the IOC doping list is illegal. But some doping methods for Greater konsekvenser than others. Caffeine ska groove play for fun, but you do not die of it, Unless you eat kilos. Whereas anabolic Substances væksthomoner and several andre doping methods kan be serious and life-long konsekvenser for your life. Sports are fun. Stimulates competition nuisance and gives the box if you are good enough. But you cheat to win, you ska anser om your body and life really bör the drive for better performance.

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