Tuesday 11 September 2012

diet solution program - fight against cancer

Vitamins and minerals can help us to defend ourselves from the everyday stresses and disturbances that lead to deadly and degenerative diseases. Minimum dose that prevent the emergence of deficits are much higher than officially set dose, especially for those vitamins that protect the body from stress and environmental pollutants that day because we are increasingly exposed.

Because of that increase occurred degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, compared to the past. In addition, there are many environmental and health circumstances that require a greater amount of certain vitamins and other food ingredients to help the body be protected and if they do not provide that amount comes to the deficit. These circumstances include stress, exposure to hazardous and noxious substances, dealing with severe mental and physical labor, sports, older age, pregnancy, lactation, and many diseases such as diabetes, cancer, infection, heart disease, vascular diseases and surgical procedures .

Studies show that vitamin A stimulates virtually all cells of the body's defense system, protects the body against viruses and bacteria, neutralizes toxins, stimulate the body's defense system and has a direct impact on many types of cancer. The reason is not only that it improves the work of many defensive cells, sometimes up to 60%, but also affects the proliferation and differentiation of cells in the presence of tumors and cancers poremećeno.Veza between vitamin A and cancer was discovered in the 1926th when a team of scientists found that in laboratory animals leads to gastric cancer if fed food that lacks vitamin A.

Consuming extra vitamin A can prevent pretkarcinogenih and cancer cells. It has been found that people who do not have enough vitamin A in the body bear several times higher risk of developing tumors. The reason why the use of vitamin A in the treatment of cancer has not spread is its relative toxicity when administered in large doses. However, it should be noted that people with cancer are much more tolerant of large amounts of vitamin D than healthy people.

Niacin therapy can also prevent or significantly reduce the occurrence of cancer, especially in the secondary, which occurs after the initial cure rate using chemotherapy. The people who consume niacin in higher doses than recommended occurrence of primary cancer was also reduced.

In the treatment of cancer and vitamin B6 proved useful, and then folic acid. The research results show that folic acid may protect against some cancers and even therapeutic value. There is a positive proportional relationship between the status of this vitamin in the body and cervical cancer, and colorectal.

That is why this vitamin sometimes used in medical practice and prevention of cancer. The doses given are usually very large, but folic acid is not toxic, so there is no risk of negative side effects.

Exposure to harmful substances in the workplace can cause harmful changes in chromosome structure and thus lead to an increased risk of cancer. When workers exposed to halogenated ethers provides vitamin C, the rate of destruction of their chromosomes is significantly reduced. This example applies to the coal miners. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is good antimutagenic agent.

Nitrosamines present in processed foods, and also present in cigarette smoke are carcinogenic. Vitamin C prevents their formation. Epidemiological studies have shown that the occurrence of cancer in the digestive system directly proportional relation with the amount of nitrite levels in food and drinking water. In some countries, vitamin C is added to cured meats to prevent them in the formation of harmful nitrosamines.

It was estimated then that smokers should consume at least 1000-3000 mg of vitamin C per day to meet the basic needs for this vitamin. vitamin C protects the body by participating in the formation and maintenance of collagen and the body's defense system. Ascorbic acid readily creates combinations with some metals and thus actually ejected from the circulation and the body. Thereby reducing the amount of lead, mercury, nickel and vanadium, which are very harmful.

In the treatment of some forms of cancer also applies to D vitamin . Proved to be effective in preventing some forms of metastatic lung cancer and prostate cancer. A good vitamin D status is also inversely proportional linked with breast cancer and colon cancer.

Vitamin E effectively prevents the formation of some rises and their activity in the body, especially of breast cancer because it improves the poor relationship between progesterone and estradiol, two important hormones in the body. Although vitamins are not drugs, it appears that their presence in the body is sufficiently significant impact on slowing down the development of some of the most malignant diseases of today.

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