Wednesday, 12 September 2012

fat loss factor - professional diet tips

Whether there really are any secrets in the world? The presence of the Internet and the explosion of information around the world,'' secret'' is really a bit, this is especially true at the tips for dieting.

This does not mean that all the tricks for weight loss widely known. In several cases, there are few techniques that professional bodybuilders use regularly and that others are not as well known. But they work and here we will share with you 5 of these "tricks".
When you eat less, burn less - that's the way it operates the mechanism of metabolism. When you diet, your body is doing everything it can to oppose you, so it responds to reduce calorie burning fewer calories. That is called a response to starvation. So people work with a lot less calories and carbohydrates. The body reduces its potential to burn calories by lowering levels of hormones that increase metabolism, including leptin, thyroid hormones and, to a lesser extent, growth hormone.

One way to avoid this is to turn the adjustment of one day raising of another hormone, insulin, eating a lot of fast-digesting carbs. Carb as they lean in rice cereal mixed with jam or pastries make your system believes that your strict diet is over, so back those hormones to burn calories at normal levels stable.

When you return to the calorie deficit by eating less, do it with a better metabolism, one in which the hormone that supports fat burning is no longer suppressed.

Second In certain cases,'''' less carbs is not enough little
Everyone from time to time crashes when it can not reduce the excess fat. Often the problem is associated with a slow metabolism, which can repair the secret number 1 Sometimes, however, the problem is simply a need for a new stimulus.

Keeping the same training plan from day to day can not work forever, because that progress was continuous, stimulus must be changed. The same is true for weight loss. You need to give your body a reason to reduce additional fat: it requires reducing calories and carbohydrates to extremely low levels. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates in two separate days of the week, say on Tuesdays and Fridays, at only 50-70 grams. Shock drastically reduced glycogen stores, which are directly related to the burning of fat.

When levels of glycogen (stored quantities'''' carbohydrates located in muscles) may fall, burn fat rapidly growing.

3rd Ketones are the key to fat loss

It would be nice to cut calories and just slimmed down physique without ever that we need to adjust your diet. In the real world, the process was never so easy. Many factors come into play when you want to bring the line are really annoying. When given the extremely low level of carbohydrates does not work, I can say that you cut carbs to 30 g four days, Monday through Thursday, and will later be supplemented with 20-25 g per day of medium branched triglycerides and 3-5 g of carnitine. These supplements help promote changes in metabolism which burns up the fat content.

When carbohydrates drastically fall and remain low, the composition of ketones increases. Ketones are byproducts of fat breakdown and can help you to become slimmer, causing a small increase in metabolic rhythm. Ketones are also very effective in preventing muscle loss when carbs remain dramatically low; burning ketones has an advantage over the muscle tissue. If the blood float large amounts of ketones, the body will burn them rather than melt muscle tissue.

Carnitine is an amino acid and a cousin supports fat loss channeling fatty acids in the machinery of the muscle cells where they are burned, giving your body energy while you simultaneously thinning. Carnitine also helps in the metabolism of ketones, helping you to access to energy within them, and offers additional metabolic support making ketones effective in preventing the decrease in muscle. Both actions contribute to greater fat loss. More about the ketogenic diet can be read in this article .

4th Looking salt
When you cut carbs, either two or four days, or stay on a low carb diet for a long time, you might notice that your muscles assume a flat appearance. Flat muscles really nothing missing. They are usually an indication that flatter muscles glycogen stores in the muscles are elevated and less glycogen stores stimulate burning fat.

Poprimanje flat shape, however, has the potential to interfere with the maintenance of the muscle during the extended child. Many things can affect whether to keep or turn you lose muscle mass, while lean, and one of them is the water level in the muscles. Glycogen works by dragging the water in your muscles, which promotes muscle retention, in other words, it allows you to retain water weight.

When the fasting glycogen levels fall, the water level in your muscles also fall, endangering important to retain muscle. How can you retain water in your muscles while strict control carbohydrate? Adding salt to your diet.

Sodium helps to hold water in the body. Most believe that it captures water from under the skin, which is true, but it also runs a special internal pump that allows glucose from carbohydrates, amino acids and creatine to reach the muscle. All three pulls water with it, thus affecting the receptors in muscle fluid retention that stimulate the muscles. Adhering to the muscles, which are opposed to the stock engine to burn fat calories, they help maintain a high pace of metabolism.

5th Turn up your cardio

I'm not the biggest fan of cardio. Why? The body adapts pretty quickly to cardio , which means that it responds to the continuous burning cardio exercise a lot less calories than you would expect. This is in response adjustments, similar to what happens when you're on a diet or use the same weight training for a long time. However, to go to extremes with cardio for a few days can make a big impact on your mechanism.

For example, let's say you're training 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. You're in the extreme, trying to burn off the last few pounds that would reveal their amazing muscles, I would say that you make three 30-minute workouts on Saturday and Sunday.

Nothing crazy, but the level of intensity equal to the slow walk is enough to influence the body to reach deep into stubborn fat stores that would otherwise have wanted to keep. I do not recommend this for every weekend, maybe for every other weekend during the six months prior to the event for which you are trying to fix it.

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