Wednesday 12 September 2012

xtreme fat loss diet - How do you spend cardio workout

Cardio is a key component of the quotient. The easiest way to burn the most fat during exercise. 8 of these rules will help you to burn fat is brought to a maximum.

Cardio after weights: Perform cardio exercise after you made ​​the weights. According to the research of Japanese scientists subjects who performed cardio exercise after exercise with weights burn the fat were significantly higher compared to the period when they were first performed cardio exercise and weight training exercises. Studies also show that most fat combusted in the first 15 minutes of cardio exercise which preceded the exercises with weights. So, throw on a stationary bike, elliptical devices or running, at least for 15 min.
HIIT: The best way to burn fat during cardio workouts high intensity interval training (HIIT). This includes high-intensity interval training, such as running at 90% of the maximum heart that accompany low intensity training, such as a walk or rest. Countless studies confirm that in this way burns more fat than through continuous, moderate cardio which deals with most people, such as walking 30 minutes at 60-70% of the workload of the heart.

Variable rate: According to a study respondents who ran three times for 10 min and rested for 20 minutes between each run endured more easily exercise of respondents who continually ran 30 min. Cardio exercises intermittently burn more fat and calories after exercise compared to the same period of continuous exercise.
Academic Quarter: Time of day when when you do cardio training influences the number of calories that you lose after exercise. Research scientists from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, confirmed that respondents who were 30 min bike ride at the gym between 5 and 7 pm raise metabolic levels after exercise more than subjects who exercised between 5 and 7 am and between 11 am and 1 pm . Although it is best to train when you need it most convenient, try to back it in the evening exercise routine for better results.
Like the Scots: A study conducted at the University of Edinburgh found that subjects who performed 4-6 sprints for 30 seconds on an exercise bike and rested between 4 min sprint in just 2 weeks lowered blood glucose and insulin levels in 15, respectively 40% and improved insulin sensitivity by 25%, followed by the consumption of 75 g of glucose. Maintaining low and stable levels of insulin promotes the burning of fat and reduce body fat. Therefore, even if you do 20-30 minutes of cardio that you can devote to the exercises, 2-3 min sprint will help you regulate your insulin levels to assist the fat-burning.
Climb: Have you thought about other forms of cardio exercise? According to a recent study in Italy takers who climbed the rocks of the heart is working at 80% of maximum, which is equal to an intense cardio workout. Respondents also burn the 12 calories per minute (calculated in the case of subjects who weighed 81 kg) or less than 400 calories in 30 minutes. Check where you can all provide opportunities for climbing.
Strike: Martial arts are also a good form of cardio exercise. According to a study conducted at Wayne State College beginner martial arts performed tae kwon do routine which consisted of front kicks, butterfly stretching, upper arm bumps, crunches, punches to the side, stretching the buttocks and pushups. As a result of the exercise was precipitated by 80% and burn the 300 calories in a half hour. In addition to tae kwon do can try aikido, kick boxing , karate, kung fu or some other style of martial exercises.

Spit: According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Birmingham who are professional cyclists during intense driving rinsed and spit out every 7-8 min mouth like fluid energy sports drinks may have some mileage to go 3 minutes faster than the time when they used water . I do not recommend you try this advice while pedals on an exercise bike , but mouthwash energy sports drink every 10 minutes will help you achieve the results you want without so many extra calories.
Other rules
Some things that affect the burning of fat, and are not associated with eating , drinking, or exercise. However, these 9 tips will help you in the fight against fat.

Institution: Australian study of over 2000 patients who exercised regularly and vigorously for 2.5 hours a week has come to a result that participants who watched TV for more than 40 minutes a day had a higher waist circumference of respondents who watched TV less than 40 minutes a day. Scientists believe that long periods of sitting compromise the body's ability to burn fat, which is proven and research conducted on humans and animals at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Avoid idleness, get up and stretch (at least 20 minutes every day at work or home).
Fotkajte: picture is worth a thousand calories. According to research conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison participants who had a week photographing their meals found that uploads them to encourage critical evaluation of food before you eat it, which led them to choose healthier foods. That was not the case with respondents who only wrote down what they ate. Then keep a photo log and keep a diary in which to enter calculations macronutrient intake.
Allocate portions: According to a study conducted at Cornell University respondents who went to the movies on a large serving of popcorn (about 22 cups) and ate 45% more popcorn during the film of the subjects who were given a medium popcorn servings (about 2 cups). Annoying were the results of respondents are divided stale popcorn and who still ate 35% more popcorn than patients who were given the average serving, although rated as a bad taste of popcorn. You can use the research results in several ways: for lean proteins take a big portion, for contributions (rice, potatoes, bread) Take small portions.
Laugh: According to the research of Japanese scientists subjects who ate a meal of 500 calories while they watched a 40-minute comedy show had lower blood glucose levels, as opposed to when they consumed the same meal during the tedious 40-minute lectures. Scientists believe that laughter is changed brain chemistry subjects in a way that glucose more slowly entered the organism or her muscles quickly downloaded. If you have to eat in front of the TV and see a comedy and blood glucose and insulin levels will be low, and you leaner.
Sleep decision: According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology respondents who slept 5 hours or less were more likely to be obese (13 kg for 16 years as the study lasted) of the subjects who slept seven hours or more. This may be caused by an imbalance of hormones leptin and ghrelin. Leptin reduces hunger and increases the metabolic level, by virtue of ghrelin strengthens the feeling of hunger. Scientists from the University of Chicago found that subjects who had not slept in two days showed increased levels of ghrelin and decreased leptin levels were followed by a stronger hunger. A study from Stanford University found that subjects who had slept little low leptin levels, elevated ghrelin levels, and the more fat than those who slept eight hours. 7-9 hours of sleep each night, not only to better recover from a busy day, but also to stay fit and healthy.
Chew: According to a study conducted at Glasgow Caledonian University subjects who chewed gum between meals they ate fewer meals than those who did not chew gum. Scientists have found that chewing gum increases satiety and reduces food intake.
Always on the move: Remember that each activity burns calories and burning more calories than you eat in the body is crucial in achieving slenderness. Think how far they are certain destinations (work, gym, shops, friends) and, depending on the distance, take a walk or bike to these destinations and get rid of excess fat and calories.
Feel the vibe: According to a study conducted at Stony Brook University mice that spent 15 minutes a day on the vibrating surface had less body fat than mice that were not exposed to vibration. Research on human subjects yielded similar results. If your gym equipped with vibrating rightly, popularly called the Power Plate, jump on it and use it a few minutes a week.
Become a gamer: active and popular game Dance Dance Revolution will provide you an excellent workout, so say researchers from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. According to their study, respondents spent 10 calories per minute, which is equivalent to running.

pearly penile papules removal - affect my life

Most men feel that their manhood lies in the penis. They name their little friend and treat him like a king. After all it is the one that makes them men. However, what happens when the penis is in trouble? Well, most of them panic and their safe-esteem reaches alarmist lower value. This is because they feel that their masculinity is reduced and they are no longer a man be used.

One of the most common problems people have to face is pearly penile papules. It is a skin condition that affects a large part of the people and it is characterized by the apparition of some small bumps, dome on top and have flashy colors. There are on top of the penis, and more noticeable when erect. It is also the time when they became painful and cause the individual more discomfort.

But other than that, these little bumps have a serious impact on the patient. They do not affect in any way the sexual performance of the individual, or do not cause any pain or other symptoms that may make this situation intolerable. In fact, there are many people who are living with this disease without having to sign all kinds of unhappiness (except, of course, from an aesthetic one).

However, there are also a big part of people who have developed serious psychological problems because of the pearly penile papules. For fear of not being laughed at or even scare their sexual partners, many people suffer from this condition refuse to communicate with the opposite sex and avoid at all costs end up in bed with someone. This situation, if it continues for a long time, can lead to severe anxiety and isolation of the individual. In addition, their self-confidence and self-esteem are low, people who suffer from this condition often have a very poor image of themselves.

So even though pearly penile papules do not have a physical impact on the individual, they can certainly affect them in a negative light on a psychological level.

Live with pearly penile papules can be difficult and traumatizing experience. Learn how you can get rid of them in a simple and safe way. Click here and forget about those bumps that are so troubling your life.

vision without glasses - necessarily mean blindness

Millions of people are affected with silent enemy. They live each day aware that their vision is deteriorating, and most never thought that could happen to them. It is not limited by age, race, gender or ethnicity. It has no cure. What is it? This is glaucoma.

Intraocular pressure, or IOP, similar to the blood pressure. It is the pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma is, at one point, I thoughtthe result of the pressure becomes too high due to a blockage of one of the drainage channels. There are many types of glaucoma. Two of the most common open-angle glaucoma and angle closure glaucoma. In open angle glaucoma, the drainage channel remains in the eye is blocked, the pressure can not be equalized. In angle closure glaucoma, the iris dilates and becomes too large. It blocks the channel. These two types of glaucoma IOP deal but there are times when glaucoma is present even when IOP is normal. Eye doctor can perform a simple test to measure the pressure in the eye is abnormal or if the optic nerve is damaged or uneven appearance, he or she shall notify the additional tests to determine how advanced the disease.

Immediate treatment for early stage, open angle glaucoma can delay progression of the disease. That's why early detection is very important. Glaucoma treatments include medicines, laser trabeculoplasty, conventional surgery, or a combination of any of these. While these treatments may save remaining vision, they do not improve sight already lost from glaucoma.

Drugs, in the form of eye drops or tablets, the most common early treatment for glaucoma. Some medicines cause the eye to make less fluid. Others lower pressure by helping fluid drain from the eye.

Conventional surgery makes a new opening for fluid to leave the eye. Your doctor May we suggest this treatment at any time. Conventional surgery often is done after medicines and laser surgery failed to control pressure. Laser trabeculoplasty. Laser trabeculoplasty helps fluid drain from the eye. Your doctor May we suggest this step at any time. In many cases, you need to keep taking glaucoma drugs after this procedure.
Glaucoma has no cure, but its effects can be reduced by medication and surgery. The trick is to catch. Unless a person has a regular eye exam, it will go unnoticed until it is too late. There are some things that anyone can do to prevent it. It's not a cure-all or a warranty, but it can help. The first is to maintain a healthy diet by eating right.

The second is a helping hand in maintaining healthy blood pressure. High blood pressure affects all the arteries, veins and nerves in the body. Optic nerve is no exception. The next tip is to know the history of the family. Glaucoma is thought to be genetic so if you had a grandmother, mother, ga, father had ... chances are you can have it. Note that the routine eye check ups are the key to catching early glaucoma.

Toni Grundström is a freelance writer. With over 18 years of writing I have provided informative articles on topics that are of interest to me. To obtain additional information about the health of the eyes to go all the way you can see

fat loss factor - professional diet tips

Whether there really are any secrets in the world? The presence of the Internet and the explosion of information around the world,'' secret'' is really a bit, this is especially true at the tips for dieting.

This does not mean that all the tricks for weight loss widely known. In several cases, there are few techniques that professional bodybuilders use regularly and that others are not as well known. But they work and here we will share with you 5 of these "tricks".
When you eat less, burn less - that's the way it operates the mechanism of metabolism. When you diet, your body is doing everything it can to oppose you, so it responds to reduce calorie burning fewer calories. That is called a response to starvation. So people work with a lot less calories and carbohydrates. The body reduces its potential to burn calories by lowering levels of hormones that increase metabolism, including leptin, thyroid hormones and, to a lesser extent, growth hormone.

One way to avoid this is to turn the adjustment of one day raising of another hormone, insulin, eating a lot of fast-digesting carbs. Carb as they lean in rice cereal mixed with jam or pastries make your system believes that your strict diet is over, so back those hormones to burn calories at normal levels stable.

When you return to the calorie deficit by eating less, do it with a better metabolism, one in which the hormone that supports fat burning is no longer suppressed.

Second In certain cases,'''' less carbs is not enough little
Everyone from time to time crashes when it can not reduce the excess fat. Often the problem is associated with a slow metabolism, which can repair the secret number 1 Sometimes, however, the problem is simply a need for a new stimulus.

Keeping the same training plan from day to day can not work forever, because that progress was continuous, stimulus must be changed. The same is true for weight loss. You need to give your body a reason to reduce additional fat: it requires reducing calories and carbohydrates to extremely low levels. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates in two separate days of the week, say on Tuesdays and Fridays, at only 50-70 grams. Shock drastically reduced glycogen stores, which are directly related to the burning of fat.

When levels of glycogen (stored quantities'''' carbohydrates located in muscles) may fall, burn fat rapidly growing.

3rd Ketones are the key to fat loss

It would be nice to cut calories and just slimmed down physique without ever that we need to adjust your diet. In the real world, the process was never so easy. Many factors come into play when you want to bring the line are really annoying. When given the extremely low level of carbohydrates does not work, I can say that you cut carbs to 30 g four days, Monday through Thursday, and will later be supplemented with 20-25 g per day of medium branched triglycerides and 3-5 g of carnitine. These supplements help promote changes in metabolism which burns up the fat content.

When carbohydrates drastically fall and remain low, the composition of ketones increases. Ketones are byproducts of fat breakdown and can help you to become slimmer, causing a small increase in metabolic rhythm. Ketones are also very effective in preventing muscle loss when carbs remain dramatically low; burning ketones has an advantage over the muscle tissue. If the blood float large amounts of ketones, the body will burn them rather than melt muscle tissue.

Carnitine is an amino acid and a cousin supports fat loss channeling fatty acids in the machinery of the muscle cells where they are burned, giving your body energy while you simultaneously thinning. Carnitine also helps in the metabolism of ketones, helping you to access to energy within them, and offers additional metabolic support making ketones effective in preventing the decrease in muscle. Both actions contribute to greater fat loss. More about the ketogenic diet can be read in this article .

4th Looking salt
When you cut carbs, either two or four days, or stay on a low carb diet for a long time, you might notice that your muscles assume a flat appearance. Flat muscles really nothing missing. They are usually an indication that flatter muscles glycogen stores in the muscles are elevated and less glycogen stores stimulate burning fat.

Poprimanje flat shape, however, has the potential to interfere with the maintenance of the muscle during the extended child. Many things can affect whether to keep or turn you lose muscle mass, while lean, and one of them is the water level in the muscles. Glycogen works by dragging the water in your muscles, which promotes muscle retention, in other words, it allows you to retain water weight.

When the fasting glycogen levels fall, the water level in your muscles also fall, endangering important to retain muscle. How can you retain water in your muscles while strict control carbohydrate? Adding salt to your diet.

Sodium helps to hold water in the body. Most believe that it captures water from under the skin, which is true, but it also runs a special internal pump that allows glucose from carbohydrates, amino acids and creatine to reach the muscle. All three pulls water with it, thus affecting the receptors in muscle fluid retention that stimulate the muscles. Adhering to the muscles, which are opposed to the stock engine to burn fat calories, they help maintain a high pace of metabolism.

5th Turn up your cardio

I'm not the biggest fan of cardio. Why? The body adapts pretty quickly to cardio , which means that it responds to the continuous burning cardio exercise a lot less calories than you would expect. This is in response adjustments, similar to what happens when you're on a diet or use the same weight training for a long time. However, to go to extremes with cardio for a few days can make a big impact on your mechanism.

For example, let's say you're training 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. You're in the extreme, trying to burn off the last few pounds that would reveal their amazing muscles, I would say that you make three 30-minute workouts on Saturday and Sunday.

Nothing crazy, but the level of intensity equal to the slow walk is enough to influence the body to reach deep into stubborn fat stores that would otherwise have wanted to keep. I do not recommend this for every weekend, maybe for every other weekend during the six months prior to the event for which you are trying to fix it.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

tinnitus miracle - ear in the mind (T initus )

Lithium is mainly in the treatment of bipolar depression, that is, mania used in bipolar disorder. It is not really cure the disease but it is useful in controlling symptoms of depression. It has shown positive results with many of those who took this as a treatment for manic bipolar disorder. In the treatment of bipolar disorder, lithium affects chemicals in the brain is a chemical. As with any medicine can have side effects of lithium, major or minor, but those who do not have to use them experiencing these symptoms. You may experience some symptoms of varying intensity and frequency with which they experienced.

You can be tolerated by some and for others it can cause of major concern. These side effects may also lead to other diseases and can cause very unpleasant for the patient. Side effects of lithium also differ in size and shape that is consumed. Some side effects may also occur due to lithium overdose, leading to lithium toxicity in the body. Below are some of these adverse effects of lithium, depending on the shape that is consumed and occur, the systems of the body, the side effects.

Side effects of Lithium tablets
Various mild and common side effects of lithium tablets are created are increased thirst, nausea and malaise and slight trembling of the hand. This is usually seen early in treatment. Serious side effects are diarrhea, nausea and persistent vomiting, fainting, drowsiness and dizziness, excessive and rapid weight gain, muscle weakness, blurred vision and difficulty speaking. This can persist and if it is a nuisance, is an immediate consultation with a physician is required.

Side effects of lithium syrup
Lithium, when taken in the form of syrup, in particular the results of lithium toxicity. It has serious side effects such as seizures, loss of muscle coordination, slow or irregular heartbeat, muscle twitching muscles, allergies such as rashes and hives, swelling of the mouth, face and neck, confusion, tinnitus, involuntary and uncontrollable urination and defecation. These side effects can cause major discomfort for the patient should seek immediate medical help. Lithium toxicity, if not immediately treated, can lead to death.

Side effects of lithium on body systems

Endocrine: The most important side effect of lithium on the endocrine system is that it limits the secretion of thyrotropin and thyroxine and triiodothyronine enhances the activity of the disease such as goiter, hyperglycemia, hypothyroidism and myxedema.

Nervous System: tremors of the hands, blackouts, dizziness, insomnia, incontinence, convulsions, coma, lethargy, etc. are the side effects of lithium on the nervous system.

Renal: renal side effects of lithium, such as diabetes insipidus, abnormalities in serum electrolytes, sodium loss, dehydration, glomerulosclerosis, renal tubular acidosis, renal tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, nephrotic syndrome, etc. have been treated with lithium in some patients, reported .

Cardiovascular system: The side effects of lithium on the cardiovascular system can be fatal. These include low blood pressure, the collapse of the peripheral circulatory system, such as changes in the ECG T-wave inversion, sinus node dysfunction, etc.

Dermatologic side effects: These include excessive hair loss or alopecia, skin allergies such as rashes and hives, acne, psoriasis, ulcers and rashes. These are the most common side effects and can be easily removed.

Other side effects of lithium are dry mouth, weight loss and edema, decreased libido and sperm count.

If any of these symptoms persist, treatment should be stopped completely with lithium. It is always advisable to consume lithium tablets or syrup, as per the prescribed dosage and side effects with your doctor as soon as they appear to discuss.

truth about cellulite - Home remedies and tricks

After connective tissue begins to put pressure on adipose tissue under the skin resulting fatty pads that are most commonly appear on the thighs and buttocks. Cellulite will be less visible to resolve whether the fat here. Combine a healthy diet, regular exercise and physical activity, and include occasional massage and scrub, and the result will not be left out.

This combination will visibly reduce cellulite and effectively prevent its re-emergence. In addition, this method is not expensive and can be performed at home.

- Onion as Ally: Any red or white onion acts as a diuretic and releases cells from accumulation and excess water.
- Nylons help: Pressures fat and shape your thighs.

- Eat a healthy diet: Include in your diet soy, hazelnut, blueberries and walnuts. Avoid excess oil
- Vitamins are unavoidable: Make sure that the body you have a sufficient level of vitamins, especially B complex, iron and essential fatty acids.

- Detoxification rid the body of accumulated toxins. Give up coffee and nicotine, avoid fatty foods and salty foods, and, most importantly, drink lots of water. Eat foods like soybeans, walnuts, hazelnuts and blueberries.

- Exercises to get rid of excess pounds, and fast walking, cycling, stair climbing, yoga and Pilates will help you secure the thigh muscles. Muscles will tighten the skin and smooth out the hole and make it taut and smooth.

- Massage breaks up fat deposits. You can use a body brush rough, rough glove in the shower or body scrub. This will improve circulation and help you to reduce cellulite. They are efficient and aromatherapy oils, such as sage.

- Make a "cloak" for the body of the coffee grounds and seaweed. Apply warm coffee grounds in problem zones, obavijte damp seaweed and cover all the plastic wrap.

diet solution program - fight against cancer

Vitamins and minerals can help us to defend ourselves from the everyday stresses and disturbances that lead to deadly and degenerative diseases. Minimum dose that prevent the emergence of deficits are much higher than officially set dose, especially for those vitamins that protect the body from stress and environmental pollutants that day because we are increasingly exposed.

Because of that increase occurred degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, compared to the past. In addition, there are many environmental and health circumstances that require a greater amount of certain vitamins and other food ingredients to help the body be protected and if they do not provide that amount comes to the deficit. These circumstances include stress, exposure to hazardous and noxious substances, dealing with severe mental and physical labor, sports, older age, pregnancy, lactation, and many diseases such as diabetes, cancer, infection, heart disease, vascular diseases and surgical procedures .

Studies show that vitamin A stimulates virtually all cells of the body's defense system, protects the body against viruses and bacteria, neutralizes toxins, stimulate the body's defense system and has a direct impact on many types of cancer. The reason is not only that it improves the work of many defensive cells, sometimes up to 60%, but also affects the proliferation and differentiation of cells in the presence of tumors and cancers poremećeno.Veza between vitamin A and cancer was discovered in the 1926th when a team of scientists found that in laboratory animals leads to gastric cancer if fed food that lacks vitamin A.

Consuming extra vitamin A can prevent pretkarcinogenih and cancer cells. It has been found that people who do not have enough vitamin A in the body bear several times higher risk of developing tumors. The reason why the use of vitamin A in the treatment of cancer has not spread is its relative toxicity when administered in large doses. However, it should be noted that people with cancer are much more tolerant of large amounts of vitamin D than healthy people.

Niacin therapy can also prevent or significantly reduce the occurrence of cancer, especially in the secondary, which occurs after the initial cure rate using chemotherapy. The people who consume niacin in higher doses than recommended occurrence of primary cancer was also reduced.

In the treatment of cancer and vitamin B6 proved useful, and then folic acid. The research results show that folic acid may protect against some cancers and even therapeutic value. There is a positive proportional relationship between the status of this vitamin in the body and cervical cancer, and colorectal.

That is why this vitamin sometimes used in medical practice and prevention of cancer. The doses given are usually very large, but folic acid is not toxic, so there is no risk of negative side effects.

Exposure to harmful substances in the workplace can cause harmful changes in chromosome structure and thus lead to an increased risk of cancer. When workers exposed to halogenated ethers provides vitamin C, the rate of destruction of their chromosomes is significantly reduced. This example applies to the coal miners. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is good antimutagenic agent.

Nitrosamines present in processed foods, and also present in cigarette smoke are carcinogenic. Vitamin C prevents their formation. Epidemiological studies have shown that the occurrence of cancer in the digestive system directly proportional relation with the amount of nitrite levels in food and drinking water. In some countries, vitamin C is added to cured meats to prevent them in the formation of harmful nitrosamines.

It was estimated then that smokers should consume at least 1000-3000 mg of vitamin C per day to meet the basic needs for this vitamin. vitamin C protects the body by participating in the formation and maintenance of collagen and the body's defense system. Ascorbic acid readily creates combinations with some metals and thus actually ejected from the circulation and the body. Thereby reducing the amount of lead, mercury, nickel and vanadium, which are very harmful.

In the treatment of some forms of cancer also applies to D vitamin . Proved to be effective in preventing some forms of metastatic lung cancer and prostate cancer. A good vitamin D status is also inversely proportional linked with breast cancer and colon cancer.

Vitamin E effectively prevents the formation of some rises and their activity in the body, especially of breast cancer because it improves the poor relationship between progesterone and estradiol, two important hormones in the body. Although vitamins are not drugs, it appears that their presence in the body is sufficiently significant impact on slowing down the development of some of the most malignant diseases of today.

anabolic cooking - Neutering Male Dogs

The women are known for their flawless smooth skin. They are considered the most beautiful creation of God. But where are the men to be robust with facial hair, women are considered ugly. Growth of facial hair in women is quite common, and the hair is usually very thin and minutes. But for some women, growth of facial hair, which can destroy their immaculate appearance. This condition of excessive growth of facial hair is known as hirsutism. There can be many reasons that can be treated as such causes.

Facial hair is noticed in all the single women, but there are many reasons behind it. Some of the causes of unwanted facial hair in women.
• polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) may be one reason for the facial hair. This is due to a hormonal imbalance that causes the formation of cysts in the ovaries. This can lead to infertility, obesity and fake menstrual cycle.
• Adolescence is one of the most common causes for the growth of facial hair. At the time of puberty that causes androgen hair growth in different parts of the body. If the hormone is produced in excess, it can lead to excessive growth of facial hair.
• The production of cortisol can lead to hormonal imbalance, which in turn can lead to excess hair around the face. This disease is also known as Cushing's syndrome.
• The use of certain medications can also cause hirsutism. Estosterone, cyclosporine, minoxidil, anabolic steroids, glucocorticoids, etc. are some of them.
• Cancer or tumor of the ovary may be another reason for excessive hair growth in women.
• Many hereditary factors also influence the growth of facial hair in women.
• It can help people who have excess facial hair, but no underlying medical reason for it. This condition is known as idiopathic hirsutism.
How to grow facial hair in women

Women who have the problem of facial hair, generally wondering how to remove hair on your face? There are few treatments that can be very helpful in getting rid of facial hair or hirsutism can. Here are some of them.
• Oral medications such as flutamide can be very useful to stop the growth of facial hair. It needs a prescription.
• There are a lot of facial hair removal for women's products such as creams, lotions and gels on the market, which can slow the rate of growth of facial hair. This waxing facial creams are very effective, but should only be used after consulting a specialist.
• hair removal, electrolysis is one of the procedures is widespread. In this method, the roots of the hair follicles will be destroyed, stopping hair growth.
Waxing • Facial is also an effective way to reduce the growth of facial hair. Hair follicles in the process of wax, which in turn stops the growth of hair destroyed.
• For women who do not want the chemicals can be used on his face for treatment herbal to go. There are few products on the market, only a few enzymes that can contain the growth of facial hair to stop. These products must be used with a single specialist, after consultation.
• Laser treatment Laser hair removal is now the most common treatment used to remove hair. To do this, by laser beams on the hair, which heats the hair made from the roots and growth stops. This is a painless treatment, but can have some side effects.
• Another method facial hair removal can help you get relief from the increased growth of facial hair and that means threading or plucking hair from her face. This method is painful and must be performed by a specialist. The distance may not be permanent, but it can significantly reduce growth.
Treatments must be after consultation with a qualified technician. Discuss side effects and effectiveness of treatment you want to use. Electrolysis and laser treatment should be performed under the supervision of qualified personnel. I hope that the treatments for the growth of facial hair in this article will help you overcome the problem of unwanted hair.

3 days to permanent bacterial vaginosis relief - Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is not a disease in the classic sense, but, more syndrome disorder in the composition of vaginal flora, and occurs as a result of the symbiotic interaction effects of several different bacterial species. In 30% of cases runs completely asymptomatic or manifest more abundant vaginal discharge zaudarajućeg character, the stale smell of fish - so called. fishy odor. Has long been considered a less important condition, but lately is associated with infections of the upper genital tract infections, postoperative infections and cervical malignancies, and pregnancy causes inflammation of membranes, preterm rupture of membranes preveremeno childbirth and inflammation of the uterine lining. The incidence is around 15-25% of adolescent females and 25-35% of women of reproductive age. Proven infection are more often caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma with bacterial vaginosis. When there is a reduced bacterial vaginosis lactobacilli (responsible for the creation of lactic acid and acidity of the vagina), with increased concentrations of bacteria which growth and reproduction is not required oxygen (anaerobes) and Gardnerella vaginalis. 

Diagnosis is based on the preparation of vaginal secretions painted by the Gramm- Nugentovog by using scoring systems. Amsel was also given the criteria for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis: 

• homogeneous vaginal iscedak
• vaginal pH> 4.5
• positive amine test
findings • "clue" cells 

Vaginal discharge is whitish gray, foamy milk consistency and often abundant, characteristic odor, pH greater than 4.5 is determined by dipping the litmus paper in the last vaginal fornix, a positive amine test is a very strong smell of stale fish, especially after the addition of hydroxide 10%, while finding the "clue" cells means grouping cells that are inundated bacilli. 

treatment is carried out by local or general, using metronidazole in a dose of 2.0 g, 5-7 days, and in the U.S. is given metronidazole 500 mg 2 times daily for 5-7 days orally with vaginal Orvagil 10 days. Efficient and Clindamycin treatment included 300 mg, 2 times a day, 7 days with the use of oral vaginaleta made ​​on the basis of a Clindamycin. The efficiency of this treatment is 70-75%. Author: Prim. Dr. Stevan Milosevic Bacterial vaginosis Anaerobic vaginosis is the most common vaginal disorder among women of reproductive age. Polimicrobe This is primarily anaerobic infections. It is a consequence of impaired balance between different types of bacteria in the vagina. Instead of the normal predominance of Lactobacillus in the vagina of women with bacterial vaginosis there prekomeran growth of other microorganisms, which provide a distinctive smell of vaginal secretions. Symptoms: 

The main symptom is an enhanced, gray-white, line, vaginal discharge with smell the rotten fish, which is especially pronounced after sexual intercourse. However, in about 50% of cases, bacterial vaginosis does not give any symptoms. Therapy: 

the doctor usually prescribe topical treatment Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a change in vaginal microflora. Normal flora is dominated by lactobacilli is absent or greatly reduced and replaced with a mixed, mainly anaerobic flora, which consists of the following types of bacteria: Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, Mobiluncus spp, Bacteroides spp, Prevotela spp, Peptostreptococcus spp, Fusobacterium spp and Porphyromonas spp Four studies conducted and published in the countries of the U.S., Africa and Thailand have shown that women with bacterial vaginosis have a higher prevalence of HIV. 

A large number of epidemiological studies have found that a "dose-response" relationship between the extent of abnormal flora in BV and the risk of HIV infection. Understanding this "dose-response" relationship between BV and HIV infection helps to clarify the pathogenetic mechanism of this complication. It was also in the multi-variant model that women without lactobacilli were 70% more likely to get gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. In women with BV may lead to an increased risk of salpingitis and / or endometritis, postsurgical infections (endometritis, after cesarean section, vaginal posthisterektomijski cellulitis),

 adverse pregnancy outcomes, including premature rupture of membranes, premature labor, and chorioamnionitis. There is a possibility that bacterial vaginosis is in some way associated with the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Also, there are no data linking BV with cytologic inflammatory changes in the cervix. The association of BV with many obstetric and gynecological complications requires mandatory screening and treatment of BV in different clinical conditions. Additional studies of this disease must include prevention of complications during pregnancy, as well as the treatment of BV in women who are not pregnant.

acne no more - 5 Acne Diet Tips

Is there a connection between acne and food you eat? Earlier it was believed that oily foods cause acne. It is a myth, do not blame the pizza, it has nothing to do with your acne. However, what you eat can definitely affect your skin. Learn what acne diet. What foods you should eat and what to avoid keeping your skin acne free.

If someone says that a special acne diet alone can cure your acne,be careful. Most people need the right combination of diet and another acne treatment like acne cream. One thing the right acne prevention diet can do is to supply your body's immune system to fight acne nutrients. There are foods that can make your acne worse, so of course you want to avoid this.
First Avoid milk

Milk is good for babies and small children, but not so good for the teenagers. Especially if you have acne. And, surprisingly, not the fat in milk, which makes it a problem. Milk contains certain hormones that can cause acne breakouts. That does not mean you should not drink milk all together, of course. Coffee with cream or milk, or a bowl of cereal every now and then does not make your skin any harm. But do not drink more than a glass of milk a day.

Second Sugar can cause acne breakouts

It's not 100 percent scientifically proved, but many doctors suggest that excessive sugar can make acne worse. Chocolates, sweets and soft drinks are loaded with sugar. Try to cut back on them, if not illuminate completely.

3rd Fish oil is essential for the treatment of acne

Eat more fish. Not only that it is generally good for your health, but Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish are essential for healthy skin and acne. The best source of Omega 3 are salmon, cod and tuna. Alternatively, you can take fish fat as a supplement.
4th Vitamins are important to prevent acne

Some vitamins are essential for acne diet. The most important are Vitamin B5 and Vitamin A. In high doses vitamin gives excellent results for the treatment of acne. However, it can be toxic, so it should not be taken without consulting your doctor. Vitamin E is also essential for good healthy skin. You can get acne complex vitamins. A good multivitamin pill day will also do the trick. And, of course, eat fresh fruits and vegetables can help with vitamin intake, but you already knew that, did not you?

5th Zink can fight acne

Eat eggs, whole grains and mushrooms - they are a good source of Zink. Zink can help reduce acne. Hence, it may help because the busts your immune system, helping the body to cure your acne naturally.

Try these tips for at least two weeks and you should see that your blemishes reduce. If you have acne-prone skin, it pays to keep acne diet even when you do not have to switch.

Follow these suggestions to keep eating under control acne. You can not really cure acne with diet, so you are not waiting for a miracle. However, in combination with other acne treatments acne cure diet definitely can help.
Find information about nutrition and effective acne natural acne treatments Acne Treatments Guide published by Tanya Turner

yeast infection no more - how to eliminate yeast infection candida supplements

What causes yeast infection? There are many causes of yeast infection, and those include: pregnancy, birth control pills, menstruation, using certain types of antibiotics, HIV / AIDS and nutrition.

What are the symptoms of yeast infection? Excessive itching of the vaginal region, burning sensation during urination, redness and soreness of the vagina, heavier than normal vaginal discharge, and pain during intercourse.

Many women will contract a yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. It is advisable to avoid wearing a damp bathing costume, tight-fitting clothes, or douching. Candida thrives in warm, dark environments. Certain types of food products is known to agitate Candida, and those comprising sugar and bread.

A yeast infection treatment is a natural fungus called Candida albicans, which is found in the vagina, mouth and digestive tract. These small amounts are natural and in normal circumstances present no adverse effects. However, the body's natural balance be destabilized then an explosion of bacteria may occur and cause the above discomforts.

It is possible for men to contract a yeast infection, although it is most common in women. In the initial stages it is best to seek professional advice and thus ensure that their is an accurate diagnosis.

There are many different ways to treat yeast infection, although in recent times there has been a large influx of holistic guides to resolve the problem. Usually a cream to be used, and although this will usually solve the problem in the short term, there is a risk of recurrence. Therefore, the holistic approach has been so poplular because it allegedly complete cessation of the problem.

Of the usual treatments, it is common to see vaginal creams, suppositories and oral medications are used. To avoid and prevent yeast infection is a matter of the advice you trust, but generally it is advisable to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing, remove wet clothing immediately and not bath in soapy bath. Also you might also want to avoid bread, and sugar.

The more holistic approach will obviously include many factors, and will always focus on it more than the effect cause. Once a proper diagnosis has been given, the patient can then make their own informed choices for the way in which they choose to address / control / eradicate the problem.

There are more than 20 different species of Candida, the most popular being Candida albicans. It is extremely rare, if possible, for a yeast infection spread throughout the entire body. When it is systemic, it is very dangerous and can in some cases be life threatening

A significant risk of contracting a serious yeast infection is when the immune system is challenged vigorously. Such times could include those using steroids and cancer patients. It is then when a patient is extremely vulnerable to high levels of risk.

customized fat loss - Caution On The Fatloss Please

Loss of body fat or diet plan, including low-carb diets such as the introduction phase of the Atkins Diet will result in water during the first week or two. If you are in a program of loss of body fat, you are under regular attack - attack the food bandits all around you. It seems that everyone is looking for the ball on how to lose body fat fast this enchanting mystery that will immediately catch excess body fat and turn into a super model. Yeh right

The fact is, there are techniques that are healthy, effective and easy to use that you can to achieve the loss of body fat - and keep it long term. A coach to lose body fat to help you every step of the way to support, motivation, offer and learn the secrets that all slim people know, so that you lose body fat in a healthy way and allow you to keep your body fat and back to your Body Perfect Fitness and Health for Life.

Most doctors will tell you that body customized fat loss kyle supplements are not necessary, and that only a good controlled diet with daily exercise is the only thing you need to lose body fat. Contrar that many skeptics and wrong people can report or say, even if your body throws water in the first days of a controlled carbohydrate diet like Atkins or South Beach diet, water balance in the body soon return to normal, and loss of body fat following fat loss books.

To reduce certain types of operations loss of body fat the body's ability to absorb important vitamins and minerals. Many people start a program to lose body fat with their basal metabolic rate (BMR), the amount of energy (calories) your body uses in a resting state, for many people, improving their overall health after surgery, body fat loss is as important as the loss of body fat is.

Work with your health care provider if you help with a course of oral contraceptives for body fat, lose body fat, trying to decide. If knowing you, pass your progress through the loss of body fat and a scale, try to weigh yourself at the same time every day. Whatever exercise body fat loss of your choice, try your heart rate up to 65% of your upper safe limit.

Ok, these are some of the things I have done in the past, through a tray body fat loss. If you have been frustrated with the previous attempts, loss of body fat, lose body fat to 3 W to try. Discuss with your doctor and follow his advice in planning your exercise program and body fat loss.

To sweat and filter selected your fat loss program, perhaps in ecstasy, while at first. So even though I do not think you can, fasting as a diet or program to use a loss of body fat, I do not think it can be a good start for a fat loss diet and the body's program year. Therefore, the creation of a one-for-all body fat is loss or exercise program would be simply impossible.